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Here you will find my most current works and maybe a favorite or two. I will change them as others become available. So check back often. I hope you see in them what I do.
20191028-SFA2204 , Peaceful Soul20181010-SFA0570 , Monument Valley20181011-SFA0153 , Narrow Passages20180916-SFA0453 , 1954 Chevy Stepside20180207-SFA0376 , Frozen Tear20171229-SFA7223 , Three Amigos20180101-SFA0521 , Spirit Of The Bog20180104-SFA7529 , Smoke On The Water20171019-SFA2932 , Cluttered20171026-SFA4841 , Weathered Wood20171025-SFA4179 , Fairytale Morning20191030-SFA2810 , Old Friend20201017-SFA4610 , Only Memories20200624-SFA3390 , Mukilteo Lighthouse20200905-SFA4321 , Evening With Friends20200622-SFA3117 , The Perfect Spot20191022-SFA0951 , A Fishermans Morning